a day for our darling

thats so sad wat happen thats just a sweet littl girl

Poetic Sojourn

once dainty giggles tickled a sleepy ear
smiles so bright they warmed grumpy
to endear
and two lil twinklin mornin stars to gaze
brightened all those early grumbling days

but quick! there were tea parties to host
with fabled guests from the coast
and fashion shows to run
with adoring fans to be won

oh the adventures to explore!
often misadventures were in store
so there were booboos to attend
snuggled hugs n kisses that would mend

there were also answers besought
for a multitude of whys
cuz little curiosities one just couldn’t deny
with little genius growing
you know there’s urgent need of knowing!

and of course the day’s tales to tell
whilst splashing bubble fun swells
aromatic posy scented smells
little wet toes would tippy tip
just after a warm bubbly dip

oh! and there were stories to hear
with villains who would sneer
a princess had to…

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By jazzykk

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